Kinkakuji to arashiyama 111295-Kinkakuji to arashiyama

No, there is no direct train from Kinkakuji Temple to Arashiyama Bamboo Grove However, there are services departing from Kitanohakubaicho and arriving at Arashiyama(Tramway) via Katabiranotsuji The journey, including transfers, takes approximately 55 min More detailsThere is no direct connection from Arashiyama to Kinkakuji However, you can take the train to Katabiranotsuji, take the train to Kitanohakubaicho, take the walk to Kitano Hakubaicho, take the line 101 bus to Kinkakuji Temple, then take the walk toKinkakujiMichi(Bus #5 mentioned above, 6 stops, 8 minutes)>NishinokyoEnmachi(Bus #93, 18 stops, 25 minutes ride, runs every minutes)>Arashiyama Unfortunately, the pass doesn't cover Hankyu Line It's billable Still, this route seems to be optimal to get back to Osaka from Arashiyama Making a trip to Osaka via Kyoto from

Kyoto Travel Arashiyama And Sagano

Kyoto Travel Arashiyama And Sagano

Kinkakuji to arashiyama

Kinkakuji to arashiyama-At Kinkakujimichi,take city bus south (either one of 101,102,4,5)or walk for 15minto Randen KitanoHakubaicho station Take a train from there, change at Katabiranotsuji stto Arasyiyama line to Arashiyama stNo, there is no direct train from Kinkakuji to Arashiyama(Hankyu) However, there are services departing from Kitanohakubaicho and arriving at Arashiyama(Tramway) via Katabiranotsuji The journey, including transfers, takes approximately 48 min More details

Trip To Kinkakuji Golden Pavilion Kyoto Travel Mytravelbuzzg

Trip To Kinkakuji Golden Pavilion Kyoto Travel Mytravelbuzzg

Getting from Kinkakuji to Arashiyama From Kinkakuji, we walked 17 km to Kitanohakubaicho Station and purchased tickets to Arashiyama from the machine outside We got on the retrolooking purple tram and had to make a transfer at Katabiranotsuji Station It was here we made a mistakeI would normally suggest visiting Nijo Castle after Arashiyama by JR train, then taking the Bus No12 to Kinkakuji (or the other way around) For other bus options, refer to the Kyoto City Map Edited 6KinkakujiMichi(Bus #5 mentioned above, 6 stops, 8 minutes)>NishinokyoEnmachi(Bus #93, 18 stops, 25 minutes ride, runs every minutes)>Arashiyama Unfortunately, the pass doesn't cover Hankyu Line It's billable Still, this route seems to be optimal to get back to Osaka from Arashiyama Making a trip to Osaka via Kyoto from

 Fortunately, Kinkakuji, which is also called the Golden Pavilion, is easy to access from the Arashiyama area From SagaArashiyama Station, we boarded the SanIn Line and got off at Emmachi Station From there, we took a bus that took us directly to the entrance of Kinkakuji Kinkakuji is recognized as a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage SiteAlso, are we able toNo, there is no direct train from Kinkakuji to Arashiyama Bamboo Grove However, there are services departing from Kitanohakubaicho and arriving at Arashiyama(Tramway) via Katabiranotsuji The journey, including transfers, takes approximately 1h More details

There is no direct connection from Kinkakuji to Arashiyama However, you can take the walk to Kinkakuji Temple, take the line 101 bus to Kitano Hakubaicho, take the walk to Kitanohakubaicho, take the train to Katabiranotsuji, then take the train to Arashiyama(Tramway)Rome2rio makes travelling from Kinkakuji to Saga Arashiyamaeki easy Rome2rio is a doortodoor travel information and booking engine, helping you get to and from any location in the world Find all the transport options for your trip from Kinkakuji to Saga Arashiyamaeki right hereThe cheapest way to get from Kinkakuji Temple to Arashiyama Station (Hankyu) costs only ¥449, and the quickest way takes just 9 mins Find the travel option that best suits you

Kyoto 1 Day Private Taxi Tour From Osaka To Arashiyama Fushimi Inari And More Tours Activities Fun Things To Do In Kyoto Japan Veltra

Kyoto 1 Day Private Taxi Tour From Osaka To Arashiyama Fushimi Inari And More Tours Activities Fun Things To Do In Kyoto Japan Veltra

Kinkaku Ji Wikipedia

Kinkaku Ji Wikipedia

From Kinkakuji to the nearest Randen station (KitanoHakubaicho), it takes at least 5 minutes by bus (¥230) By Kiefuku Railway (Randen), it takes 27 minutes including transfer time and ¥2 to Arashiyama Trains are operated almost every 10 minutes If you plan firstly to ride trolley train or visit Daikakuji Temple, via JR line is recommened Alternative, Kinkakuji is best coupled into a day trip together with Arashiyama Well, the best transportation option is directly to get there by taxi But for budget traveler, you can get to Kinkakuji from Arashiyama by train and then transfer with a short journey bus ride From Arashiyama to Kinkakaji By taxi ride with about yen Kinkakuji and Arashiyama On our first day arriving in Kyoto we decided to hit the road running and visit Kinkakuji and Arashiyama Bamboo Forest After checking into our ryokan we bought a Kyoto City Bus One Day pass outside Kyoto train station for Y500 and took a bus (#26/101/5) straight to Kinkakuji

Kyoto Day Tour From Osaka Arashiyama Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine Kinkaku Ji Kiyomizu Temple Kkday

Kyoto Day Tour From Osaka Arashiyama Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine Kinkaku Ji Kiyomizu Temple Kkday

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10 Best Hotels In Arashiyama Accommodations From In Kyoto

The recommended way to Kinkakuji temple (golden pavilion) from Arashiyama area is "by Keifuku Railway Bus (or Walk)" or "by JR line Bus" There isBus from Kinkakuji to Arashiyama line59 to Yamagoe Nakacho, switch to line11 and get off at Arashiyama Tenryujimae Or take line4/5 from Kinkakuji and off at Nishinokyo Enmachi so you can access to JR SagaArashiyama In here a cab ride will also be aAnswer 1 of 12 Hi, We are planning for a day trip to Kyoto from Osaka end Oct As we only have one day, we are thinking of visiting Kinkakuji and Arashiyama Can someone tell us how we can go from Kinkakuji to Arashiyama?

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Kinkakuji The Golden Pavilion Of Kyoto

Kinkakuji The Golden Pavilion Of Kyoto

Kinkakuji to Arashiyama Best scenic route After visiting Kinkakuji, cross the road outside the main entrance and take the 59 bus (headed for Utano) at Kinkakujimae bus stop Get off at OmuroNinnaji, then walk down the short street to the Randen tram at OmuroNinnaji Station Change at Katabiranotsuji Station to reach Arashiyama Terminal

Spending A Great Day In Kyoto Arashiyama And Kinkakuji Japan Info

Spending A Great Day In Kyoto Arashiyama And Kinkakuji Japan Info

Kyoto Sightseeing Bus To Arashiyama Kinkakuji Golden Pavilion Fushimi Inari Taisha Kiyomizudera Japankuru Japankuru Let S Share Our Japanese Stories

Kyoto Sightseeing Bus To Arashiyama Kinkakuji Golden Pavilion Fushimi Inari Taisha Kiyomizudera Japankuru Japankuru Let S Share Our Japanese Stories

Kinkakuji To Arashiyama Best Scenic Route Transportation Guide

Kinkakuji To Arashiyama Best Scenic Route Transportation Guide

Arashiyama Japan S Most Spectacular Views In Autumn Hisgo Com

Arashiyama Japan S Most Spectacular Views In Autumn Hisgo Com

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